Respiratory outcomes of prematurity: Malaysian National Neonatal Registry

15 Oct 2022 08:40 09:10
See Kwee Ching Speaker

The Malaysian National Neonatal Registry was setup in 2002 to study the outcome of sick babies admitted to NICUs in Malaysia..Despite the increasing surivival rates for infants born at less than 32 weeks gestation, they are at a higher risk for neonatal morbidity such as chronic lung disease of prematurity. In 2018, the incidence of chronic lung disease of prematurity among admitted babies with gestational age <32 weeks surviving to day 28 of life and 36 weeks post conceptional age were 24.7 % and 17.5% respectively. While the incidence of chronic lung disease of prematurity among admitted babies with birth weight of < 1500 g surviving to day 28 of life and 36 weeks post conceptional age were 22.6 % and 21.9 % respectively. Antenatal steroid use, surfactant replacement therapy, lung protective strategies and early nutrition pathways lead to a better outcome.