Case 1: A child with chronic wet cough

16 Oct 2022 11:30 11:50

This is a case of a primary school girl with a history of chronic cough since the age of 3 years old. She had multiple hospitalizations for pneumonia and required courses of antibiotics. Her symptoms did not improve despite started of inhaled corticosteroids. At the age of 5 years old, she was noted to have persistent respiratory symptoms and failure to thrive. Her clinical findings suggest chronic course of illness with chest deformity and digital clubbing with persistent bilateral course crepitations. Serial chest radiographs showed persistent hyperinflation of bilateral lung fields with persistent changes on right middle and lower zones. CT thorax showed evidence of bronchiectasis. Full workup was done TRO cause of bronchiectasis.

This case will highlight the diagnostic approach to children with chronic wet cough and discuss guidelines on management strategies.