Vikas Goyal Queensland Children’s and Gold Coast University Hospital

Dr Goyal is a Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Physician, currently an early career clinician researcher at Queensland Children’s Hospital and Gold Coast University Hospital. His NHMRC supported PhD “Advancing the knowledge, understanding and management of respiratory exacerbations of bronchiectasis in children” included two RCTs. He has published 26 peer-reviewed publications and 3 book chapters. Dr Goyal has received a NHMRC postgraduate Scholarship in 2013 and Queensland Children’s Medical Research Institute to support his PhD studies. He received 2021 Queensland Advancing Clinical Research Fellowships (early career)- $250,000 and Royal Australasian college of Physician research establishment grant 2022 (project support-$50,000). Vikas is a CI on an NHMRC funded RCT (GNT1160613) assessing a novel, play-based therapeutic exercise-program specifically designed to improve fundamental movement skills proficiency and fitness in children with bronchiectasis. He is also a CI an MRFF grant (GNT2014419) Improving clinical outcomes for children and adults with bronchiectasis: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial using a novel mucolytic with a discovery biomarker.